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Donor Recognition

Sound Legacy

An invitation to join The Sound Legacy of WKU Public Radio is extended only to donors with a minimum of ten years of consecutive support of WKU Public Radio.  Inclusion comes with an additional gift commitment by the donor to help build and secure the legacy of programs and service that WKU Public Radio provides for our community.  Legacy gifts are placed in The Sound Future Fund of WKU Public Radi0 and are additional gifts that do not change annual membership status or renewals.  Legacy gifts can be made by cash, credit card or transfer of securities and Sound Legacy members are recognized at an annual event.

In Addition, gifts in support of WKU Public Radio are also recognized at various levels as support by Western Kentucky University.  These include:

The President’s Circle

Recognizes annual gifts of $1000 and above.  

The Cupola Society

Recognizes years of consecutive support.

Henry Hardin Cherry Society

To honor the leadership and lifelong dedication of the University’s most generous supporters with giving of $25,000 and above.

Society of 1906

The recognition society for individuals who make WKU Public Radio and Western Kentucky University a part of their estate plans by including a bequest to WKU in their wills, by participating in any of the various lifetime income plans available, by designating WKU as beneficiary of a trust, by naming WKU  as beneficiary of retirement plan assets, or by making WKU a beneficiary of insurance policies of which ownership has been assigned to WKU.

If WKU Public Radio is a part of your estate plan, please let us know. If you have been thinking of including WKU Public Radio in your estate plans or need further assistance, we would like to hear from you.

You can learn more with the links below, talk with your financial/legal professional or contact our Director of Development for a confidential follow-up for more information..


The Sound Future

Ways to Give

What to Give