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Dan Boyce

Dan Boyce moved to the Inside Energy team at Rocky Mountain PBS in 2014, after five years of television and radio reporting in his home state of Montana. In his most recent role as Montana Public Radio’s Capitol Bureau Chief, Dan produced daily stories on state politics and government.

  • Oil development in North Dakota and Montana has caused ridership to increase dramatically on the only Amtrak line running through those states. Nationally, the railroad company costs the federal government more than $400 million every year, so rail enthusiasts thought the oil boom might turn around the losing rail proposition in certain regions. But the Empire Builder Line is still not making money.
  • The only Canadian on death row in the United States is making one last ditch effort to avoid execution. Capitol punishment is illegal in Canada and the Canadian government formally supports the clemency request, but the final word is up to the governor, a vocal supporter of the death penalty.
  • A niche industry of tour companies is taking people into wolves' habitat at Yellowstone National Park. Montana Public Radio's Dan Boyce went on an expedition with a man who recognizes the problems wolves bring to the landscape even as he makes his living off of them.
  • The population of Montana just hit 1 million, but not all residents are celebrating. It's one of the least dense states in the nation, and they like it that way.