Bowling Green resident Carl Coffey has lived with a speech disorder that affects an estimated 3 million Americans: stuttering.
But he said people are often surprised to learn he’s been impacted by the disorder.
“And to some people who might be listening, they might say, “Oh, I don’t hear you stutter.’ I’m what most people would classify as a ‘covert stutterer’, or have been for most of my life.”
Coffey is head of the Bowling Green chapter of the National Stuttering Associaton. The group meets on the third Thursday of every month in room 118 of the Academic Complex at WKU from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
“It’s a way for people to meet other people who stutter,” Coffey said. “I think seeing people who are successful in careers, and life, and are able to face their challenges—I definitely think there’s something really positive and inspiring about that.”
Another resource Carl recommends is the NSA’s national website, which contains information about local chapters across the country.
You can hear Carl talk more about how he’s been affected by stuttering, and the Bowling Green chapter of the NSA, by clicking the “Listen” button above.